
The food was wonderful. It was lovingly prepared and served. We were humbled by the sincere hospitality and welcoming spirit of the persons with whom we dined. Many thanks to each of the families who opened their homes and shared a few hours of their lives with us. We are richer for the experience. (...) Our accomodations were exceptionally good.

The experience turned conventional thinking on its head. I left the country asking, 'which was the rich nation/people and which one was poor?'

Upon learning that I am a beekeper here in the US, our coordinator arranged for me to meet a beekeeper in Orosi. This kind woman and her sister took us into their farm and shared no less than two hours of their time showing us how she kept her bees and how they cultivated their land and prepared their produce for market. They sent us away with bags of produce that would have cost hundreds of dollars had we bought it here in Raleigh at the farmers' market, and the most amazing part was that they had never met or spoken with anyone at Globe Aware prior to the telephone call from our coordinator a few days before our visit. This anecdote was emblematic of the entire visit. Similar experiences occurred daily in the homes and on the farms of the people whom we met. Their sense of welcoming, of community, and family pride was one I have never before experienced. I am overcome with emotion when I speak of this experience sharing it with firends here in the US. They must think me mad because I often have to stop mid sentence to compose myself to finish my story. Bravo Globe Aware!" - Geoff Morrison, March 2013

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