globeaware green horizontal for mexico

On September 19th, 1:14pm 2017, Central Mexico was hit by a 7.1 earthquake, damaging Mexico City and the states of Puebla and Morelos. The most severely hit places are small villages surrounding our main program site in Mexico, Tepoztlan, Morelos. Over 300 people have lost their lives and tens of thousands have lost their homes.

Globe Aware has a deep connection with Mexico, and we have decided to launch this 3 part initiative in an effort to aid the reconstruction effort in the villages of Hueyapan, Zaucalpan, Tetela del Norte, Jojutla and Yautepec, as well as our main program location, Tepoztlan. While our main volunteer program will continue to be based in Tepoztlan, we will adjust the itinerary to also go to these nearby villages to provide much needed assistance. These are smaller communities that are not receiving as much help and we will work directly with the families in those locations, in order to help them rebuild their homes. Our volunteers will be directly involved in the reconstruction efforts.

In addition, we have opened the Globe Aware Mexico Earthquake Relief Fund, which is a way for those who cannot volunteer their time directly to the reconstruction effort to help by making a tax deductible contribution. We have also partnered with multiple companies, groups and organizations that are putting together events and promotions to further aid this effort.

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