Many high schools and institutions of higher learning understand the importance of instilling the love of service and volunteerism in the rising generation. Many schools require students to complete a specific number of service hours to graduate, and college and university admissions offices look favorably on applicants who display a pattern of service. The hours worked during Globe Aware programs (about 40 hours per week) qualify for the distinguished President’s Volunteer Service Award, created to recognize Americans who make service a central part of their life.

Volunteer Abroad

Trips that will lift your earning potential

Globe Aware offers students the opportunity to provide meaningful service to a diverse array of communities around the world, service that local community leaders have identified as important to the residents of that area. Our programs do not require special skills and are adaptive to the preferences and circumstances of our volunteers. Upon request and completion of our program, students will receive a Community Service Certificate that certifies they have completed 40 hours of community service. We are also happy to certify paperwork requested by any schools on behalf of their students.

Children under 17 years old receive a 10% discount on the program fee. Additionally, the cost of the program and the affiliated airfare are tax deductible expenditures against income for American and Canadian citizens.

Service requires action and an open heart. Whether students help preserve the native elephant habitat in Thailand or participate in painting a mural at a Costa Rican school, perspectives and hearts are changed. Though volunteering can be done anywhere, we know of few opportunities in life that offer the ability to experience another culture while also serving in a deeply meaningful way.

To learn more about our volunteer service programs in various parts of the world, please click the following link: click here

The Presidents Volunteer Service Award
GoAbroad Certified
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Travel for Good
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Great Non Profits