
MALAWI UPCOMING TRIPS - COST: $860 - Program starts on Sunday

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What Is Included With Your Globe Aware Trip

  • Meals (*Note any exceptions in the program page below)
  • Accommodations
  • Medical insurance
  • Volunteer coordination
  • Orientation package
  • Project funding/donations

Globe Aware trips are professionally planned and led. You do not need special skills or the ability to speak a foreign language. Globe Aware employees lay the groundwork prior to your arrival, accompany you during your volunteer vacation, and assist with transfers and departures.

2014 marked the 50th anniversary of Malawi’s independence from the United Kingdom (UK) and the establishment of one of the most peaceful nations in Africa.


Located in Zomba, the old capital of Malawi, Zomba Plateau is one of the major tourist attraction centres in the country. With a maximum of 2,100 meters above sea level, the plateau offers amazing views of the places down it. Apart from the beautiful natural-planted forest, Mulunguzi Dam, the unbelievable natural Chingwe's Hole, and William Waterfalls, the following are some of the major reasons why it is very worth visiting the plateau:

  1. RICH HISTORY - On Zomba Plateau, you will visit places which have beautiful historical facts. There is a place called Emperor's View named after Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie who visited and prayed at the place in August 1965. You will also enjoy views of Phalombe and Lake Chilwa Plain and Mulanje Mountain when you stand at Queen's View. This view was named after Queen Elizabeth II (the one who has died recently) visited the beautiful plateau during his Malawi tour in 1957.
  2. GOOD ROAD NETWORK- There is a good road (tarmac road) that starts from Zomba City up to the top of the plateau with a beautiful pine forest lining the road. The 10 kilometers road is enjoyed by both those trecking and driving.
  3. ACCOMMODATION - There are more places where tourists get accommodated right there on top. These include Sunbird Ku Chawe Inn and Zomba Forest Lodge.
  4. FAVOURABLE WEATHER—During your visit to the plateau, either in summer or winter, you will breathe amazing fresh air from the planted natural forests.
  5. TRANSPORT WITHIN - If you want to visit more places at the plateau quickly, there are horses for hire. The Plateau Stables offer these horses. Zomba Plateau is one of the few places of interest in Malawi, where you will find horses for your plateau adventures.

Malawi is not only the warm heart of Africa but also genuinely friendly and safe. While not as widely known as its neighbors, Malawi sits as an exclusive destination with unique cultures, sites, and languages. Malawi’s economy is predominantly agricultural but there have been recent successful diversification in mining, agricultural processing, and tourism. The average Malawian has a very low income and very little access to education beyond primary years. You will be working with a tight-knit local organization and community. They want to share their lives, their minds, their smiles, and their world with you.


Looking for serious adventure?

This program is for you. You will never meet more hospitable, friendlier people, but you won’t have access to many creature comforts.

Zomba District, our home base, represents a place of dreams, hopes and opportunities. Zomba District Council, together with various development partners, aims at providing an enabling environment for men, women, girls and boys to realize their potential and meet their social and economic endeavors.

Volunteers are usually assigned to one of four primary schools, a Vocational Training School, or Community Health Center. Potential projects include laying & molding bricks, painting, renovating, or assisting at the health post. Volunteers typically work two days a week with children, while the remaining day is divided between completing earlier projects and participating in cultural activities. Also, since schools in the community usually have a half-day on Fridays, volunteers may assist in reorganizing youth programs, such as sports, entrepreneurship, and arts and crafts. 

Accommodation and Food

Volunteers will be accommodated in one of several modest lodges. You will have access to enough electricity to recharge your digital camera, but the government has instituted rolling blackouts.

To ensure that your work project is meaningful, smaller groups of 1 or 2 volunteers may be put in more basic accommodations or even homestays. While these may be more sparse, they enable the volunteer to feel more connected to the host community. This allows the coordinator to dedicate more time and effort to organizing a project that is both meaningful to the community and considerate of the special needs of the small groups or individuals in question.

Food choices are more limited here. The staple food in Malawi is nsima, which is prepared with maize, flour, and hot water. Think of it as a sort of thickened porridge. A variety of toppings and sauces can be added to nsima. Other types of foods that are commonly found are rice spaghetti, potatoes with vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, and carrots. All meals are homemade and taken at your homestay daily.

Leisure Activities

During your stay in Malawi, you'll have plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the local culture and explore the sights. You might visit stunning waterfalls, spot Africa’s Big Five in a national wildlife park, or enjoy traditional dancing and drumming performances. Lake Malawi, the third-largest lake in Africa, is famous for its diverse fish species. Cultural events take place year-round, and if one coincides with your visit, we’ll adjust the schedule to include it. Please note that some activities may require an additional fee.

Arrival and Departure

Most international flights land at Lilongwe, Malawi's capital, but several flights, especially those from Johannesburg and Harare, land at the business center of Blantyre. There are internal flights throughout the country. Volunteers are responsible for getting themselves to the meetup location at 2:00 PM on the Sunday that your program begins. You can easily grab a taxi from the airport. The cost will average $5-$20 USD.

Volunteers are free to depart after breakfast on the last day of the program. We will help arrange transportation to the airport, but the volunteer will pay for this.



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