
A: Globe Aware is a public charity, a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt corporation under the U.S. Internal Revenue Service; it is not a private foundation. Not only is your entire minimum contribution fee tax-deductible (to U.S. tax payers), but all other expenses related to your Globe Aware volunteer work are also tax-deductible (such as your airfare, trip cancellation insurance, and other such expenses). These expenses are tax deductible because as a volunteer you are doing the work of Globe Aware.

If you are unsure of your own personal limits on deductions related to your income, it is best to seek counsel from a professional tax advisor. The IRS allows deductions where "there is no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation." This means that if you plan significant deviations before or after the Globe Aware program, you may need to seek professional counsel on portions that may not be deductible.

Electronic receipts are fine as your documentation as your charitable contribution (as of January 2003).  For more information, please see: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1771.pdf

Please see the relevant IRS publication for more details.

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