
INDIA UPCOMING TRIPS - COST: $1,627 - Program starts on Sunday

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malawi AfricaZomba District, our home base, represents a place of dreams, hopes and opportunities. Zomba District Council, together with various development partners, aims to provide an enabling environment for men, women, girls and boys to realize their potential and meet their social and economic endeavours.

Event Date Apr 20 25
Event End Date Apr 26 25
Individual Price $860.00


zimbabwe thumb 1You will be staying at a small town called Dete, which is 2 hours south of the magnificent Victoria Falls and on the edge of Hwange National Park. Hwange is by far the largest Park in Zimbabwe with a huge and varied quantity of animals and birds.


Event Date Apr 20 25
Event End Date Apr 26 25
Individual Price $1,675.00


img 6647Situated at the African continent's edge, overlooking the Indian Ocean, Tanzania boasts an ideal location blessed with weather and climate that fulfill every desire. Basking in warm and sunlit days, complemented by refreshing and tranquil nights, whether you're embarking on a Serengeti safari or indulging in the tropical splendors of Zanzibar's beaches, the temperatures are consistently pleasant and gentle, creating an inviting atmosphere throughout your journey.


Event Date Apr 20 25
Event End Date Apr 26 25
Individual Price $1,340.00


volunteervacation cambodia13In Globe Aware's Cambodia program, in Siem Reap, you will participate in a variety of projects including teaching English pronunciation and colloquialisms to variety of student populations, working with street children (the program is designed to provide with alternatives to drugs and prostitution), and assembling and distributing wheelchairs to landmine victims.

Event Date Apr 20 25
Event End Date Apr 26 25
Individual Price $1,492.00

Nirvana in Nepal

nepal thumbnail 3The Nepal program offered by Globe Aware is in Kathmandu, the bustling capital city. Your busy itinerary will encompass immersing yourself in Nepali culture, discovering the beauty of nature, and participating in school volunteering activities.

Event Date Apr 26 25
Event End Date May 3 25
Individual Price $1,746.00

Puerto Rico

Puerto RicoIt is so close and the need is so great! Join us on our first program in a United States territory in a time of great need. As the world knows, this beautiful archipelago among the Greater Antilles was struck hard by Category 5 hurricane Maria in 2017, the worst natural disaster in its’ recorded history.

Event Date Apr 26 25
Event End Date May 2 25
Individual Price $1,557.00


cuba100Although home to more than 11 million people, Cuban culture has been shrouded in mystery to most North Americans because of prolonged economic and political strain between the United States and Cuba. The Care for Cuba program pulls back the curtains on this Caribbean culture and gives volunteers a clear look at the beauties, struggles, and determination of the Cuban people.

Event Date Apr 26 25
Event End Date May 2 25
Individual Price $2,700.00

Thailand: Hill Tribes

hill tribe thumb2

The hill tribe people live in remote areas scattered across Northern Thailand with little or no access to education. Many fled from conflict in Myanmar or other surrounding countries. This lack of education makes the hill tribe children prone to poverty and vulnerable to exploitation. At this program location, we are working with 350-400 rural communities that cross to Sub Mekong region countries.

Event Date Apr 27 25
Event End Date May 3 25
Individual Price $1,485.00


img 6647Situated at the African continent's edge, overlooking the Indian Ocean, Tanzania boasts an ideal location blessed with weather and climate that fulfill every desire. Basking in warm and sunlit days, complemented by refreshing and tranquil nights, whether you're embarking on a Serengeti safari or indulging in the tropical splendors of Zanzibar's beaches, the temperatures are consistently pleasant and gentle, creating an inviting atmosphere throughout your journey.


Event Date Apr 27 25
Event End Date May 3 25
Individual Price $1,340.00

Costa Rica Animal Rehabilitation

sloth costa rica volunteer vacationsCosta Rica is a cultural and natural paradise, but most travelers only see its impersonal and touristy side. This Globe Aware Costa Rica volunteer travel program offers a unique opportunity to help rescue and rehabilitate different native animals.


Event Date Apr 27 25
Event End Date May 3 25
Individual Price $1,347.00
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