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The Jewel of West Africa: Ghana

Discover the heart of Africa in Ghana! This is a land where rich history, warm smiles, and breathtaking scenery create an unforgettable experience. Globe Aware partners with a local grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged Ghanaians through education and integrated rural development programs. Their mission is to support rural communities by enhancing education, health, environmental conditions, and women’s empowerment through cultural diversity initiatives. 

Project work

Volunteers will undertake renovations of schools or facilities essential to the community, and their engagement with children—including the opportunity to impart skills—is highly valued. With larger groups, projects may involve building school blocks for kindergartners and improving unsanitary washrooms and facilities used by children. These efforts are deeply valued by the local communities, and volunteers will be warmly welcomed as they assist with meaningful projects and gain an immersive experience of Ghanaian culture.

Leisure Time

Volunteers will have the opportunity to explore Ghana's Volta Region during their leisure time, with activities like exploring the largest waterfall in Ghana, experiencing Ghanaian culture through Batik printing, weaving, bead-making and cooking, visiting an animal sanctuary, and more!

Pictures Provided By Friends Of Adaklu/Nunya Village And Amenuveve.

Learn more about Globe Aware's Ghana program

Touching Testimonials from Costa Rica!

Costa Rica offers the perfect setting for a family volunteering experience, blending meaningful work with unforgettable adventures in nature.

"The project at the community center and church was meaningful to the community, and therefore it was meaningful to us - we appreciated the opportunity to contribute to the restoration and beautification of these important structures. The visit to the school was also a highlight. My observation is that both my children and the Costa Rican children were impacted by the experience.

The opportunity to connect with members of the local community and experience a level of cultural immersion was the best part of the program. We met individuals and families of all ages and generations, each with their own interests, passions, and stories to tell. We gained exposure to the language, family life, typical homes and businesses, schools, church, farming, and so much more.

A highlight was visiting Paco's farm - it was beautiful, and we enjoyed bearing witness to the pride and joy he felt. My kids loved their time at the local elementary school, connecting with kids of all ages through play and comparing the US vs. Costa Rican way of life. They learned how much they had in common! And it was wonderful for all the kids to practice English/Spanish together.

We chose to participate as a family, and this was the perfect project for us - everyone had work to do that was appropriate for their age/skill level and allowed them to grow. We worked both individually and together, which was great. My daughter has already spread the word about Globe Aware to her friends and is interested in returning to this project with one or more of them. I haven't had a chance to think about which other programs interest me/us, but we are interested in learning more and considering the options!" 

- Jennifer Maniscalco (July, 2024)

Touching Testimonials from Costa Rica! Cont.

"I was very lucky to have a great group of women working with me. You will be working on tasks you don't know how to do yet, but you pick things up very quickly. I can now say I can use a sander, drill into steel, and stain wood!

On our last day, several of the women who live in La Flor came together to give us coffee and pastries. I would've felt proud of our work either way, but seeing their smiles and recognizing the time they took out of their day to thank us for our work connected the work I did to the people it would affect. Sitting with them and feeling their gratitude was among my favorite moments of the program because I didn't need to understand each word they were saying to know how thankful they were. I truly feel I can say I know the culture and interacted with it." 

- Eleanor Faems (July, 2024)

Learn more about Globe Aware's Orosi Valley program 

Completing a Transformative Project in Cambodia in Record Time!

Our volunteers in Cambodia worked hard to complete the construction of a toilet in just one week! While volunteering, they also enjoyed a blend of cultural activities, exploration of Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the joy of shared meals and camaraderie. 

Proper sanitation facilities prevent the spread of diseases like cholera and dysentery, improving public health and reducing healthcare burdens. Toilets protect water sources and the environment, ensure safer water for drinking and agriculture, and provide privacy and safety, especially for women and girls. Access to sanitation facilities enhances dignity and overall quality of life in rural communities.

Learn more about Globe Aware's Cambodia program

Check out the reels from the project site and more

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Now you can easily apply for a customized volunteer vacation week for your group! Just visit our new website page, below, to sign up today!

A Karaoke Sing-A-Long with Globe Aware in the Philippines!

With karaoke being so popular in the Philippines, it's only fitting that Globe Aware has a song you can sing along to! Special thanks to Coordinator Gege for creating this video for us!

Volunteering can even support weight loss!?

We recommend BBC's Michael Mosley's podcast episode on volunteering to find out more!

He explores how volunteering—whether by offering your time, effort, or even a spare room—can be incredibly fulfilling and beneficial for your health. He speaks with Dr. Edith Chen from Northwestern University, who has been researching the positive effects of helping others. Dr. Chen shares that volunteering can improve mood and empathy, reduce chronic inflammation and cholesterol, and even support weight loss!

Build Your Trip

YouTube Sing-A-Long

Listen to the Podcast

Urgent Care Needed in Thailand

Thanks to the generosity of supporters and volunteers, funding has been successful for building upgrades and providing essential equipment at four hostels, positively impacting the lives of 130 hill tribe children.

A special thank you to everyone who stepped up to sponsor one or more children. Unfortunately, the need for safe housing persists due to the ongoing conflict in Myanmar and the pervasive poverty in many hill tribe communities. The demand for sponsors remains critical.

Just a week ago, three young children: 8-year-old Phumiphat, 6-year-old Warunee, and 18-month-old Thirapat, were brought to our project site by officers from the Thai Department of Welfare. With no financial support available, the government urged our Thailand Coordinator Pramote to take them in despite the challenges.

The officials explained that the children's mother was imprisoned, and their father had abandoned them. They had been living in a dysfunctional village near the border, where their safety was at grave risk. With no other family or guardians willing to care for them, there was a real fear that the children could quickly disappear, potentially trafficked or worse.

The sense of community at our project worksite is truly remarkable. When Coordinator Pramote expressed the need for help, the older children stepped up immediately. Jayae and Jawa have been caring for baby Thirapat each night, while their friends assist with preparing his food and bottles. The seniors also quickly found clothes for Phumiphat and Warunee, helping them to settle in comfortably.

Without the funding and support of our volunteers, we wouldn't be able to keep these children safe from their terrible circumstances, much of it brought on by conflict at the border. Please consider donating today!

Donation Link

Learn more about Globe Aware's Hill Tribes program

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